16th Mar 2015

Scammers Exist Because They are Successful. Educate Yourself So you Do Not Fall For Their Scare Tactics! In January the IRS issued its annual “Dirty Dozen” tax scams for 2015. Tops on the list is aggressive and threatening telephone calls … more

12th Feb 2015

Now that the auto industry is roaring, special tool builders and mold builders should not rest on blind confidence that they will get paid for their materials and services. Michigan law provides added security to both special tool builders and … more

As Valentine’s Day approaches, our thoughts turn to expressing our love to those who are important in our lives. Husbands are scrambling to find a card and flowers; boyfriends are making dinner reservations and buying chocolates. Wives and girlfriends may … more

9th Jan 2015

Recently, Governor Rick Snyder signed House Bill 5785, which amends MCL 769.1k and addresses court funding issues. Amended MCL 769.1k now provides courts with ample authority to assess fines and costs against certain defendants who plead guilty, nolo contendere, or … more